Top performing artworks

Explore top artworks and artists with high returns & potential, and honor artist royalties with each resale.

Last sale
$182.00 USD
Current highest bid
$250.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$68.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $12.50 USD in royalties from a $250.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Alex Heywood
Last sale
$51.00 USD
Current highest bid
$70.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$19.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.50 USD in royalties from a $70.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Mad Cow
Last sale
$55.00 USD
Current highest bid
$75.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$20.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.75 USD in royalties from a $75.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Adam Livingstone
Last sale
$33.00 USD
Current highest bid
$45.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$12.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $2.25 USD in royalties from a $45.00 USD sale.
Current collector
George baker
Last sale
$70.00 USD
Current highest bid
$95.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$25.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.75 USD in royalties from a $95.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Nirali S
Last sale
$140.00 USD
Current highest bid
$190.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$50.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $9.50 USD in royalties from a $190.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Lee Fulmer
Last sale
$144.00 USD
Current highest bid
$194.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$50.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $9.70 USD in royalties from a $194.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Ben Young
Last sale
$30.00 USD
Current highest bid
$40.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $2.00 USD in royalties from a $40.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Kendell Chapelo
Last sale
$75.00 USD
Current highest bid
$100.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$25.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $5.00 USD in royalties from a $100.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Libby Bull
Last sale
$75.00 USD
Current highest bid
$100.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$25.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $5.00 USD in royalties from a $100.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Joe Saturday
Last sale
$154.00 USD
Current highest bid
$204.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$50.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $10.20 USD in royalties from a $204.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Georgie Morris
Last sale
$75.50 USD
Current highest bid
$100.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$24.50 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $5.00 USD in royalties from a $100.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Poppy West
Last sale
$61.00 USD
Current highest bid
$80.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$19.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.00 USD in royalties from a $80.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Last sale
$1,150.00 USD
Current highest bid
$1,500.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$350.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $75.00 USD in royalties from a $1,500.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Hannah Hurst
Last sale
$215.00 USD
Current highest bid
$280.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$65.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $14.00 USD in royalties from a $280.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Patrick William Dixon
Last sale
$100.00 USD
Current highest bid
$130.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$30.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $6.50 USD in royalties from a $130.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Ed Redman
Last sale
$50.00 USD
Current highest bid
$65.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$15.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.25 USD in royalties from a $65.00 USD sale.
Current collector
John Mathews
Last sale
$77.77 USD
Current highest bid
$100.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$22.23 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $5.00 USD in royalties from a $100.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Guy Garrett
Last sale
$251.00 USD
Current highest bid
$322.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$71.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $16.10 USD in royalties from a $322.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Last sale
$71.00 USD
Current highest bid
$91.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$20.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.55 USD in royalties from a $91.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Sheldon Lefebvre
Last sale
$182.00 USD
Current highest bid
$232.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$50.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $11.60 USD in royalties from a $232.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Andrew Brignell
Last sale
$289.00 USD
Current highest bid
$368.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$79.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $18.40 USD in royalties from a $368.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Turri Mar
Last sale
$60.00 USD
Current highest bid
$75.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$15.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.75 USD in royalties from a $75.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Peregrine Hill
Last sale
$44.00 USD
Current highest bid
$55.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$11.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $2.75 USD in royalties from a $55.00 USD sale.
Current collector
David Miller
Last sale
$201.00 USD
Current highest bid
$251.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$50.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $12.55 USD in royalties from a $251.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Last sale
$201.00 USD
Current highest bid
$251.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$50.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $12.55 USD in royalties from a $251.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Last sale
$41.49 USD
Current highest bid
$51.49 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $2.57 USD in royalties from a $51.49 USD sale.
Current collector
David Miller
Last sale
$121.00 USD
Current highest bid
$150.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$29.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $7.50 USD in royalties from a $150.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Peggg Geee
Last sale
$128.00 USD
Current highest bid
$158.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$30.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $7.90 USD in royalties from a $158.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Heidi Rushbrooke
Last sale
$73.00 USD
Current highest bid
$90.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$17.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.50 USD in royalties from a $90.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Charlotte Kimber
Last sale
$65.00 USD
Current highest bid
$80.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$15.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.00 USD in royalties from a $80.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Laura Arends
Last sale
$733.00 USD
Most recent sale
$900.00 USD
Realized gains
$167.00 USD
The artist received $45.00 USD in royalties from the most recent $900.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Casey Osborne
Last sale
$66.00 USD
Current highest bid
$81.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$15.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.05 USD in royalties from a $81.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Michelle K
Last sale
$123.00 USD
Current highest bid
$150.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$27.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $7.50 USD in royalties from a $150.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Simon Bright
Last sale
$825.00 USD
Current highest bid
$1,000.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$175.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $50.00 USD in royalties from a $1,000.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Nick Madden
Last sale
$99.00 USD
Current highest bid
$120.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$21.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $6.00 USD in royalties from a $120.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Peter Han
Last sale
$480.00 USD
Current highest bid
$580.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$100.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $29.00 USD in royalties from a $580.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Michael King
Last sale
$68.00 USD
Current highest bid
$82.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$14.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.10 USD in royalties from a $82.00 USD sale.
Current collector
John Connelly
Last sale
$500.00 USD
Current highest bid
$601.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$101.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $30.05 USD in royalties from a $601.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Melissa Wong
Last sale
$50.00 USD
Current highest bid
$60.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.00 USD in royalties from a $60.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Geoff Pearce
Last sale
$250.00 USD
Current highest bid
$300.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$50.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $15.00 USD in royalties from a $300.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Felix Manig
Last sale
$100.00 USD
Current highest bid
$120.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$20.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $6.00 USD in royalties from a $120.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Douglas C
Last sale
$100.00 USD
Current highest bid
$120.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$20.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $6.00 USD in royalties from a $120.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Last sale
$50.00 USD
Current highest bid
$60.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.00 USD in royalties from a $60.00 USD sale.
Current collector
John Sansom
Last sale
$80.03 USD
Current highest bid
$95.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$14.97 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.75 USD in royalties from a $95.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Agim Rudi
Last sale
$59.00 USD
Current highest bid
$70.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$11.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.50 USD in royalties from a $70.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Peggy Eggy
Last sale
$211.20 USD
Current highest bid
$250.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$38.80 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $12.50 USD in royalties from a $250.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Scott Alexander
Last sale
$55.00 USD
Current highest bid
$65.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.25 USD in royalties from a $65.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Heroes Zeros
Last sale
$51.00 USD
Current highest bid
$60.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$9.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.00 USD in royalties from a $60.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Penny Worth
Last sale
$85.00 USD
Current highest bid
$100.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$15.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $5.00 USD in royalties from a $100.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Peggg Geee
Last sale
$289.00 USD
Current highest bid
$339.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$50.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $16.95 USD in royalties from a $339.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Gruffydd Davies
Last sale
$60.00 USD
Current highest bid
$70.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.50 USD in royalties from a $70.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Christopher Such
Last sale
$300.00 USD
Current highest bid
$350.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$50.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $17.50 USD in royalties from a $350.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Scott Alexander
Last sale
$60.00 USD
Current highest bid
$70.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.50 USD in royalties from a $70.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Julie S
Last sale
$43.00 USD
Current highest bid
$50.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$7.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $2.50 USD in royalties from a $50.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Alice Moreland
Last sale
$890.00 USD
Current highest bid
$1,029.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$139.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $51.45 USD in royalties from a $1,029.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Virginie Esteoule
Last sale
$74.00 USD
Current highest bid
$85.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$11.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.25 USD in royalties from a $85.00 USD sale.
Current collector
David Adam
Last sale
$68.00 USD
Current highest bid
$78.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.90 USD in royalties from a $78.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Andrew Waldes
Last sale
$68.00 USD
Current highest bid
$78.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.90 USD in royalties from a $78.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Gruffydd Davies
Last sale
$70.00 USD
Current highest bid
$80.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.00 USD in royalties from a $80.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Diego Cid
Last sale
$70.00 USD
Current highest bid
$80.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.00 USD in royalties from a $80.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Last sale
$65.00 USD
Current highest bid
$74.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$9.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $3.70 USD in royalties from a $74.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Eliška Vinklerová
Last sale
$363.00 USD
Current highest bid
$413.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$50.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $20.65 USD in royalties from a $413.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Last sale
$73.00 USD
Current highest bid
$83.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$10.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $4.15 USD in royalties from a $83.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Lucy Jones
Last sale
$132.00 USD
Current highest bid
$150.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$18.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $7.50 USD in royalties from a $150.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Jorge Anaya-Lopez
Last sale
$88.00 USD
Current highest bid
$100.00 USD
Unrealized gains
$12.00 USD
If the current highest bid is accepted, the artist will receive $5.00 USD in royalties from a $100.00 USD sale.
Current collector
Laura Johnson

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