


55.88 x 43.18 cm

Year Created



Gouache and pencil crayon on paper


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Curriculum Vitae

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2012 · Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University

Masters of Fine Arts

2009 · Western University

Bachelor of Arts, Honors Specialization in Painting and Drawing

Honors and Awards
Sep 12, 2012

2012 RBC Painting Competition Finalist

Offers & History

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@jenna_faye_powell on May 25, 1:13pm UTC
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$2,940 USD - Ask

@jenna_faye_powell on May 25, 1:11pm UTC
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$2,100 USD - Ask

@jenna_faye_powell on May 29, 7:33pm UTC
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@mahima on May 29, 5:56pm UTC
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$2,100 USD - Sale

@mahima on May 30, 7:33pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Mahima Poddar
Mahima Poddar

Jun 15, 2023

Avatar for Jenna Faye Powell
Jenna Faye Powell

May 24, 2023