Bachelor of Fine Art (Visual Art)

About this artwork
‘Expecting’ is about braving life’s challenges and surrender to major change. In this painting a pregnant woman gazes up at a cloud filled sky, her hand outstretched, expecting child and anticipating the impending storm. The pattern of upside down and right side up clouds and the absence of a clear horizon suggests that this figure is in a surreal limbo between worlds and times. Her striking features and halo convey a sense of dignity and strength whilst her kneeling position conveys brave surrender to the present moment and upcoming challenges. ‘Expecting’ is based on a stream of consciousness drawing the artist created whilst her two sisters were both pregnant and channels the feeling of anticipation towards the unknown and new significant chapters.
Artwork History

Mar 29, 2024
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Cynthia Howard is a contemporary artist based in Sydney, Australia working mostly in oil paints. Her concepts come from stream-of-consciousness and either manifest as the free-flowing lines in her colourful abstract figures, or as the surrealist undertones in her realistically painted compositions. Sometimes she combines realism with her abstract figures in one concept. Cynthia Howard’s work surrounds an interest in self determination and touches on the subjects of life philosophy, psychology, and personal to interpersonal relationships. Her paintings deal predominately with the richness of our internal world and musings about how we radiate energy and intention to our outer world. |
Curriculum Vitae
Bachelor of Fine Art (Acting)
Art Edit Magazine - Gallery panel feature of painting ‘This too shall pass’
Studio Visit in A/E magazine
Bluethumb Art Prize Portraiture Award Finalist
Bluethumb 2022 Portrait Prize Finalist
Selected for publication in ‘100 Emerging Artworks for 2023’
Gallery of Modern Art - Artist talk and drawing workshop
Appears in Pegboards
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