Another Kind of Madness, 2023


Acrylic Paint


120.0 x 120.0 cm

Year Created



This painting sits over an older painting - all in acrylic. The now under painting lends itself to the overall textural depth while the primary image adds richness and a complete story.


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Shumaiya Khan's Perspective

Artist's commentary

So many of my green pieces have visual dialogue with nature, in particular woodland and forests, while also maintaining a conversational narrative with a higher power. Both nature and spirituality have constant presence in my works. This piece pushes that narrative from a dark exploration to something more neautral and native human. We all have a little madness in us after all.

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1990 in Bradford, UK. Currently residing in London, UK.

2013 · Goldsmiths

BA Hons Design

2024 · City and Guilds

MA Fine Art

2009 · Leeds College of Art

Foundation Diploma

Offers & History

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$4,250 USD - Ask

@shumaiya_khan on September 16, 12:17pm UTC

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Shumaiya Khan

Sep 14, 2023