Style Canada

About this artwork
Jimi Hendrix was known for being someone who took the guitar and used it to create sounds and visions that had never been heard before using something that we have had for what seems like forever. Josh Hy does a very similar thing in regards to his art, taking mundane and making it psychedelic! Your focus fights from the crispness of black and white portrait contrasting with the wavey trippy background that will leave you mesmerized and in a trance until you break away only to repeat the cycle the next time you glance over. Technical: Full body acrylic Digital
Artwork History

Oct 30, 2024
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

My artwork depicts portraits interacting amidst abstract fields of vibrant colours, lines and shapes. Aware of their surroundings These characters engage both psychologically and spiritual as their vibrations are amplified by their environment.
Curriculum Vitae
Their story is My Story - Regency Residence, Toronto Canada
Their story is My Story - Regency Residence, Toronto Canada
Chromart Magazine
Living Lux
Chaarmz Magazine
Digital Journal
Streets of Toronto
Cutting Edge Black Designer Award
Appears in Pegboards
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