Encounter of Two Realms, 2023


Oil Paint


91.44 x 121.92 cm

Year Created


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Born in 1992 in Sun Yat-sen Freeway, Huatan Township, Changhua, Taiwan. Currently residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

2022 · OCAD University


Selected Press
May 17, 2021

Liang Wang Paints Everyday Scenes of Taiwan in "Never Left" Exhibition

Jul 24, 2023

Vancouver artist Liang Wang intertwines nostalgia with imagination in vibrant paintings of his homeland

Offers & History

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Avatar for Liang Wang

$3,200 USD - Ask

@bywangliang on April 17, 7:53pm UTC
Avatar for Liang Wang

$2,400 USD - Ask

@bywangliang on April 17, 8:18pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Liang Wang
Liang Wang

Apr 11, 2024