Saved Artworks

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Dec 9, 2023

Image for Buttered pears and a sugar-filled fever dreamImage for FragmentumImage for Resting In The BalanceImage for No Unit of MeasurementImage for CopingImage for Family PortraitImage for I’ll Keep You WarmImage for Cut Out IIImage for Block IIImage for Pool IIImage for Claudia et les pensées qui s’envolentImage for Élise et la beauté du corps nuImage for FourImage for MeddleImage for This is only a testImage for Load BeareresImage for AbsolutelyImage for Summer SpritzImage for EdgelandImage for It was a Calamity made by a Collapse of a Cats CradleImage for ForagerImage for Time Out
Image for LA GhostImage for ConcienciaImage for Time travelerImage for purple haze #1Image for purple haze #2Image for greenlightImage for throwing flameImage for emuImage for searching for saturnImage for quilt 1Image for quilt 2Image for quilt 3Image for If I Were A Tidal PoolImage for Bat and DogImage for Blue ImpressionImage for Colville ProfileImage for Green Error Complex 5Image for Green Error Complex 4Image for Material Impression (fur)Image for Entanglement(Emin)Image for Dromedary