
Oil Paint


23.0 x 30.0 cm

Year Created



"Symbolic Lines" was inspired by the beautiful light that comes through windows and the experience of witnessing it transform the things it falls upon into something magical. In this colorful still life a curvy wine bottle, oval bowl and gatherin...

Catherine J Martzloff's Perspective

Living with this artwork is like

Being reminded of how simple life can be.

A random fact I love is

The largest tomato ever picked was grown in Oklahoma and weighed 3.5kg.

This artwork comments on

Joy in simple pleasures.

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Born in 1958 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Currently residing in Cranbury, NJ, USA.

1980 · Westminster College


Solo Exhibitions
Jun 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2022

The Colors of Hope

Mar 1, 2020 - Apr 30, 2020

Looking Through a Rainbow

Group Exhibitions
Jun 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2022

The Colors of Hope

Mar 1, 2020 - Apr 30, 2020

Looking Through a Rainbow

Offers & History

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Avatar for Catherine J Martzloff

$400 USD - Ask

@catherine_j_martzloff on September 14 2024, 6:35pm UTC

Artwork History

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