Master of Education

Acrylic Paint
61.0 x 76.0 cm
About this artwork
Inspiration “Love is the natural condition of our being, revealed when all else is relinquished, when one has already moved into transpersonal levels of identification and awareness. Love is simply an open state with no boundaries and, as such, is a most inclusive level of consciousness. Love is a quality of the Ground of Being itself. In this regard and at this juncture in the dying process, love can be seen as the final element of life-in-form and the gateway to the formless.” Kathleen Dowling Singh Iqaluit is the capital city of the Canadian territory of Nunavut. It sits on vast Baffin Island in Frobisher Bay. The island is known for its ice-capped mountains and tundra valleys. Near the city, Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park is home to caribou and Arctic foxes. Qaummaarviit Territorial Park, on a tiny island near the city, contains archaeological remains of the ancient Thule people. ― Google I had the pleasure to visit Iqaluit in September 2022. The city is so far north that there are no trees. The local vegetation can be found on the ‘ground’: partially composed of rare berries, lichens, Arctic Willows, moss, tough grass, and small willow shrubs, all clinging to a variety of rocky and colourful landforms. This painting is one of three which reflects my love of the environment I discovered in Iqaluit and which expresses my artistic interest in fully abstracted landscapes. The connecting geometric lines in each painting express my belief in the connectedness of all things in life and create a stained glass window effect.
Artwork History

Apr 25, 2024
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

I began my artistic journey when I became inspired to paint an expression of the balance and design I encountered in creation. Moreover, I was intrigued by the seemingly infinite variety of lines, spaces, textures, shapes and vibrant colours I discovered. When I am drawn to a particular subject, I take several photographs, and then return to my studio to transform the scene into an abstracted and transfigured composition. Often I use a mix of natural and created materials, such as modelling paste, gels, silica sand, photo and stencil inserts along with acrylic or oil paint. Together with a love of colour and a passion for design, my paintings evoke a sense of contemplative spirituality, expressing my understanding of the three ‘transcendentals’: BEAUTY, GOODNESS, and TRUTH. Most importantly, I want the viewer to be moved by the textures, colours and shapes they discover in my paintings. As well, the concept of ‘flourishing’ is a recurring theme as I seek to think, feel and create contemporary artwork for a transfigured state of being.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1953 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Currently residing in Toronto, ON, Canada.
Bachelor of Education Independent Studio Practice Independent Studio Practice Highest Achievement Award Independent Studio Practice Highest Achievement Award, Haliburton Schhol of the Arts, Fleming College
Appears in Pegboards
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