
Mixed Media


101.6 x 76.2 cm

Year Created



After moving my studio to my home, it started to be difficult for me to focus in my thoughts instead I only could paint what I see around me in the same room.

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Born in 1983 in Madrid, Spain. Currently residing in New York, NY, USA.

2004 · Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Marketing y gestión comercial

2004 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Marketing, Gestión comercial y business internacional

Solo Exhibitions
May 18, 2021 - May 23, 2021

Landscape of thoughts

Group Exhibitions
May 18, 2021 - May 23, 2021

Landscape of thoughts

Offers & History

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Avatar for Mariett Monfort

$4,000 USD - Ask

@mariett_monfort on March 20, 10:12pm UTC
Avatar for Mariett Monfort

$2,900 USD - Ask

@mariett_monfort on July 12, 6:37pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Mariett Monfort
Mariett Monfort

Mar 19, 2024