
Mixed Media


76.2 x 50.8 cm

Year Created



The piece of contemporary art on display reflects modern relationships and how we are moving away from personalization and intimacy. Instead, we rely on flesh and applications to determine our love match. The artwork, titled "Cupid is dying," port...

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Image for Il Prete Gianni (Latin) | The Nightmarish Clairvoyant.Image for Everything all at once | Tout d'un seul coupImage for Indescribable Manifestation

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Born in 1999 in Longueuil, QC - Longueuil-Île-Charron, QC, Longueuil, QC, Canada. Currently residing in Montreal, QC, Canada.

2018 · Collège Lasalle

Communications, Graphic Design

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$1,000 USD - Ask

@maii_fallara on September 17 2024, 4:10am UTC

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Maii Fallara

Sep 17, 2024