Cascada de Sandoná, 2024




31.0 x 24.5 cm

Year Created



We stand at the doors of no return, facing great debates between those who see technology as a means to achieve significant changes and those who focus on more ancestral knowledge. In matters of climate, we are also at the dawn of what we know as ...

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Born in 1991 in Pasto-Laguna de la Cocha, Pasto, Nariño, Colombia. Currently residing in Narino, Pasto, Nariño, Colombia.

2019 · University of the Argentine Social Museum


2019 · FLORA ars + natura

Postgraduate diploma

2016 · University of the Argentina Social Museum


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$800 USD - Ask

@samuel_lasso on April 14, 2:47pm UTC

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Samuel Lasso

Apr 02, 2024