Susan's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Susan Tucker





Feb 5, 2024

Image for The Black AngelImage for The ButchersImage for Keep WalkingImage for ChangeImage for GlueImage for Red Painted WomanImage for Black Bear Cub Red BerriesImage for Cosmic CatImage for The Hardwired ManImage for Chanel Catwalk S24Image for GhostsImage for PebblesImage for KindImage for CrampsImage for Fall trees in SunImage for Confessions of a MadameImage for White Clown Laid OffImage for Working Class ClownImage for Bankrupt BobbyImage for PassionsImage for Sleeping BeautyImage for Indian MusiciansImage for Mosaic of Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus”Image for ArrivalImage for Forest HijinksImage for NiaImage for The Way Forward (Lahore Series)Image for The Animal Kingdoms Game Theory (Lahore Series)Image for Trickster’s Truth (Lahore Series)Image for A Game of Cat and Fish (Lahore Series)Image for Martini and ShrimpImage for 15, 18, 21Image for Scrunchie
Image for SistersImage for Twin Cheetah with an Emerald CollarImage for Twin Cheetah with an Emerald CollarImage for Dionysus In The WildImage for Cowboy BathImage for Your Handwriting is Divine and Completely IllegibleImage for A Jukebox Introduced UsImage for Saturday Morning BreakfastImage for Girl in Floral DressImage for Morning Chocolate Cake IIImage for TE TRAJE FLORESImage for FaceblockImage for EdgelandImage for Oh Endless DayImage for Girls With PlantsImage for Cristine in the WindowImage for Reverie IIImage for On the HorseImage for The DancersImage for whiskey sourImage for Hollywood MasterpieceImage for Solitary Bride ProcessionImage for Pura VidaImage for No Unit of MeasurementImage for Space History at SmithsonianImage for Suzanne Valadon’s MontmartreImage for Dancing with the beastImage for Hidden HeartImage for Big Gnarly FirImage for 20. Shifting RealitiesImage for 23. Daan DistrictImage for Standing Strong II