Shristi's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Shristi Baruah





Dec 17, 2024

Image for If I Was DaphneImage for A Love StoryImage for KryptonightImage for If I Could Hold Your HandImage for Late Afternoon In A ParkImage for Forever and Ever (Pink Study 1)Image for Laughing PerfumeImage for Her ocean eyesImage for All of ItImage for The only constant is change, 2Image for The Banjo PlayerImage for Varied TurrellImage for In a roomImage for This kitchen is for dancingImage for Yellow on YellowImage for Letting GoImage for Gleaming, Drifting IImage for AlessiImage for Masquerade
Image for La MilpaImage for A Parade for HarrietImage for Lemonade StandImage for Viridescence in Reverie (Surrounded and Untroubled)Image for Flycatcher MapleImage for Lámina XIImage for Sacred HeartImage for WitchImage for The Classic art greenImage for lenguasImage for Landscape with pink leavesImage for No Reason IXImage for Windows to the soulImage for Polka Daub CarnivalImage for New LagoonImage for Unyielding GraceImage for Low CloudsImage for You will forever be in my heartImage for Maybe is not better