Featured in '9 artists to watch in 2021" on Catawiki (online auction platform)

Oil Paint
80.0 x 60.0 cm
About this artwork
Two lost souls looking into the world. Trying to understand it. Trying to understand you. Why do you behave like this? What is your intention? Are you OK? Oil and charcoal on canvas. This painting was painted on top of an old painting. You can see some parts showing though. For example the pink coat of the figure on the left is a scarf of a person in the underlying painting.
Artwork History

Feb 14, 2024
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Since I had a creative epiphany at the Burning Man Festival in Black Rock Desert, USA in september 2017, I enrolled myself at the Art Academy of Mortsel, Antwerp and started sketching and painting.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1965 in Mortsel, Belgium. Currently residing in Antwerp, Belgium.
Conscience20 gallery, Antwerp Gallery Rivierenhof Antwerp Le Neuf Gallery, Brussels Gallery Art Nomade in Brussels Conscience20 gallery, Antwerp Gallery Rivierenhof Antwerp Le Neuf Gallery, Brussels Gallery Art Nomade in Brussels Featured on cover and interviewed by Kunstenaar Magazine Selected to hang in Bozar (Palace of Fine Arts Brussels) for the ACAF expo
Appears in Pegboards
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