
Mixed Media


20.0 x 20.0 cm

Year Created



This artwork is a mixed-media exploration of texture and geometry, combining the tactile quality of sewn elements with the starkness of print. The inspiration for this piece stems from the desire to blend traditional craftsmanship with modern arti...

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1986 in Tbilisi Subway, Tbilisi, Georgia. Currently residing in Thessaloniki, Greece.

2022 · School of Fine and Applied Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Integrated Masters degree in Fine and Applied Arts

Offers & History

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Avatar for Tinatini Popiashvili

$465 USD - Ask

@Tinatini on September 12 2024, 12:36pm UTC
Avatar for Tinatini Popiashvili

$310 USD - Ask

@Tinatini on September 11 2024, 2:38pm UTC

Artwork History

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