Mixed Media
198.0 x 228.0 cm
About this artwork
The Louvre, both deserted and bustling for the Tour. It's colorful, grandiose. In short, a childhood dream. This painting is the fifth piece of my project "Moment mirage" created in Paris in 2023. What remains of the emotion in the pixelated smile of a friend when the cell phone is lost? What happens to family albums when grandma is no longer there to comment on them? From the daguerreotype to the iPhone, passing through Kodak, the photographic medium relentlessly struggles to monopolize the moment. However, the wild present refuses to be caged. We can only experience it in passing. During "Moment Mirage," an exhibition of large-format expressive paintings, the artist invites you to set aside your devices of all kinds. Through their works, they will attempt the impossible: to make you relive the vaporous and elusive present without the simulacrum of screens, of photography. Armed simply with acrylic, pastels, and oil paint, the artist invites you to join them in the intimacy of their memories, moments of accidental beauty, and fractured memory.
Offers & History
Artwork History

Feb 29, 2024
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Lucas's work emerges from a process of constant adaptation, where his personal experiences and immediate surroundings intertwine. He approaches each piece as a long, fluid improvisation. His practice often takes an in situ approach, with the location and context enriching the work. Lucas draws inspiration from the beauty and banality of everyday life while exploring the social issues around him. Through these concepts, he seeks to foster openness, provoke thought, and establish a dialogue with the viewer. His creations, often large-scale, reflect a physical and immersive approach deeply influenced by his background as an athlete. His bold and intuitive gestures manifest in spontaneous movements, where he stomps, manipulates, and fully engages with his pieces. Each action, driven by the raw energy of his body, embodies a tension between control and impulsiveness. This process, both thoughtful and visceral, aims to provide an immersive visual and emotional experience, encouraging the viewer to reflect and interact with the work.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1996 in Saguenay. Currently residing in Sydney Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, Australie.
Moment Mirage Moment Mirage Artist residency in Paris (CALQ)
Appears in Pegboards
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