
Oil Paint


153.0 x 117.0 cm

Year Created



It’s based on a holiday snap taken by me in Pembrokeshire, where I captured three members of a family staring at a rock Pool. It was a very bright day and the contrast of the laden sea, the dark algo on the rocks and the people against the light c...

Renata Fernandez's Perspective

Artist's commentary

This is the first painting in a long time that I based upon a random photo that I felt compelled to take: the people are strangers but their immovable stares at the water struck me as philosophical. The light was so bright tans they were against it. The landscape is a wonderful spot in Pembrokeshire

Appears in Pegboards

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1971 in Caracas, Venezuela. Currently residing in London, UK.

1995 · Contemporary Art Academy, London. UNEARTE, Universidad Catolixa Andrés Bellos, AGO Teatro

Bachelors Degree, Visual Arts; Social Sciences and Media, Drama and Set Design

Solo Exhibitions
Oct 13, 2013 - Mar 26, 2014

TROPICO CAMUFLADO, Museo Alejandro Otero

Apr 14, 2024 - Apr 30, 2024


Group Exhibitions
Oct 13, 2013 - Mar 26, 2014

TROPICO CAMUFLADO, Museo Alejandro Otero

Apr 14, 2024 - Apr 30, 2024


Offers & History

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Avatar for Renata Fernandez

$8,520 USD - Ask

@renata_fernandez on November 28, 12:30pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Renata Fernandez
Renata Fernandez

Nov 28, 2023