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11.0 x 14.0 cm
About this artwork
This particular painting was created on December 10, 200024. This particular exhibit number 22211990 customized for Cliff was created by the artist Monet Wilson with MCW and MCW art gallery and this particular painting was created to show everyone that we can also customize a painting for you whether there be your name or favorite place. You’ve been anything that is directed to your favorite color or just a scheme that you may have by triangles or circles or whatever type of format you like when it comes to art bright colors dark colors we got it you name it so by all means if you have any questions you may place an offer and we will collect your information to find out what color shapes and things like that that you like and we will put it together and collaborate you a really nice piece
Artwork History
Dec 13, 2024
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist
Hello everyone, my name is Monet Wilson CEO and founder for of MCW Brands LLC aka MCW ART Gallery I am an artist 24/7 I'm originally from Kansas City born and raised art is my hobby,passion and life
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1978 in Kansas City MO, USA. Currently residing in Atlanta, GA, USA.
Insurance Being a creative artist takes time and thought no matter what the project is
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