Enchanting Lily Pond, 2023


Acrylic Paint


91.44 x 91.44 cm

Year Created



I visited Monet’s water lily pond in Giverny and work from my photos of his beautiful pond, so it is like I brought a little bit of Giverny back home and into this painting. I felt at peace while I was creating it and that peace seems to be re...

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Born in 1971 in England. Currently residing in Toronto, ON, Canada.

Selected Press
Jan 19, 2019

World of Interiors

Mar 7, 2022

Mayfair Magazine, Marylebone Life

Oct 7, 2014

Life as A Human: Human Interest Magazine

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$2,550 USD - Ask

@nadia_lassman on April 11, 2:45pm UTC

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Nadia Lassman

Apr 11, 2024