Avatar for Drea Cohane

Drea Cohane









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Image for DorisImage for FrissureImage for For Everything Life Was WorthImage for The DancerImage for Make BelieveImage for Frou FrouImage for Vita, Darling.Image for Lessons in ChemistryImage for WhipsnadeImage for The Slow DiveImage for Mo Said He Was QuirkyImage for The Ghost In MeImage for Silent StarImage for Peggy SueImage for HeartbreakerImage for It Is Late Last Night the Dog Was Speaking Of YouImage for An Inimitable WomanImage for That mouth, Those eyes.Image for Egon and WallyImage for Yeats, Forever MoreImage for MilkweedImage for A Woolf at the DoorImage for Mixed Emotions


My work is best described as emotively whimsical. As an artist, it is the interior lives we all carry within us, that I find to be the most fascinating part of human nature. These enigmatic inner landscapes are mostly kept hidden from a passerby, ...


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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1980 in Canada. Currently residing in Kitchener.

Selected Press
Apr 13, 2023

Healing and Self-Discovery Through Art - AATONAU Interview

Apr 6, 2023

Drea Cohane Interview - ArtbyArtists

Honors and Awards
Apr 18, 2024

Jackson Art Prize Shortlist Artist

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