maddy's Saved Artworks

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Nov 26, 2023

Image for PostImage for Difficult DrawImage for Stylin OutImage for SurvivorImage for The MarchImage for The ActorImage for Unanticipated WillImage for UntitledImage for Untitled (Foodtown)Image for StopImage for Quotidian Scenes: Browsing Books #2 (Birds of Europe)Image for Across the BoardImage for Under My SkinImage for Cabeça nas nuvensImage for Pretty BoyImage for Super KidImage for This way, that way, but always upImage for Girls at NightImage for Lady In Yellow And BlueImage for Leg UpImage for Anna MayImage for Fresh FruitImage for Ce que renferment les dunesImage for Droit DevantImage for Mt. Lady LokiImage for Trollveggen (Troll Wall)
Image for Breaking the RulesImage for Colours of you and IImage for VertebraeImage for Japan in Gold - OkurimonoImage for Broken Off From a Frozen ContinentImage for Self-esteemImage for “Untitled”Image for A Veces Hasta las Sombras HablanImage for Un Corito SagradoImage for Ranch Night in PaicinesImage for Summer SolsticeImage for Winter SolsticeImage for HomeImage for Reckoner II (Sirius)Image for The SpinsImage for LanternImage for Night’s CurtainImage for Boho LeopardImage for BK06Image for The SnufflerImage for Bent BranchImage for Cubist #3Image for “K.O”Image for untitled (not b&w)Image for This is only a test