Gilberto's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Gilberto Bernardes





Oct 5, 2023

Image for FlowImage for Portrait of Claudia JonesImage for U & Not U 1DImage for Super MomImage for Traveling CompanionImage for Evening with DadImage for “Robb”Image for Springtime in the GardenImage for Employee of the MonthImage for Hombre FloreroImage for “Untitled”Image for Entre Dos Islas Y Muchas AguasImage for Un Corito SagradoImage for Besos de Humo Con Mi SantaImage for Solucionando El CaosImage for Devin AxolotiaoImage for Ranch Night in PaicinesImage for Summer SolsticeImage for Winter SolsticeImage for Stella BlueImage for July 21st on the Side of Walden ReservoirImage for A Penny For Your ThoughtsImage for NeonImage for Hold Your BreathImage for SubmergedImage for Where?!
Image for Cosmological RedshiftImage for Time RuffleImage for Twilight Particle EmergenceImage for QuasicrystalImage for Dionysus In The WildImage for Cowboy BathImage for Your Handwriting is Divine and Completely IllegibleImage for A Jukebox Introduced UsImage for Midtown BuildingImage for Saturday Morning BreakfastImage for Girl in Floral DressImage for Untitled 16 (Safranal)Image for VesselImage for Hidden HeartImage for FourImage for TE TRAJE FLORESImage for Catchers MitImage for Rotadora 360Image for Me Plus a Mother, Divided by the Spirit Could be a ManImage for Don’t Look DownImage for HeavenImage for AbsolutelyImage for Summer SpritzImage for Artist tearsImage for JupiterImage for Jealous Tendencies