Untitled 2 - The Rhythms of Invisble: Gede reverberations, 2022


Acrylic Paint


30.0 x 30.0 cm

Year Created



As a Haitian-American artist living in Haiti, my journey into the abstract realm of art has been deeply influenced by the vibrant tapestry of Vodou culture, particularly the Gede spirits. Embracing Buddhism has allowed me to view the world through...


Inspired Beginnings with Clifford Bertin

Clifford Bertin · 1 mins

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Appears in Pegboards

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1974 in 6th Avenue, New York, État de New York, États-Unis. Currently residing in Port-au-Prince, Haïti.

Selected Press
Jan 25, 2021

À la peinture, nous sommes tenus, à l’école des Frères de l’institution Christianne de Pétion-Ville

Teaching Experiences
Aug 20, 2022

Art Instructor - Createurs z program

Offers & History

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$1,400 USD - Ask

@clifford_bertin on April 04 2024, 3:57pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Clifford Bertin
Clifford Bertin

Apr 04, 2024

$1,400.00 USD
Asking Price