The Porcelain Masala Dabba, 2024




23.0 x 23.0 cm

Year Created



1/1 Hand-painted and hand-crafted Porcelain Masala Dabba, made in Toronto. Features 7 unique masala cups by Maria Qamar and Ken Yau.

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Solo Exhibitions
Mar 9, 2022 - May 8, 2022

'In Pyaar With A Superstar!' at Museum Of Contemporary Arts, Toronto.

Dec 4, 2019 - Dec 20, 2019

'Fight, Beti, Fight!' at Phillips Auction House, Paris.

Nov 4, 2021 - Nov 7, 2021

'Saathi Arcade' at Saatchi/The Other Art Fair, NYC.

Group Exhibitions
Mar 9, 2022 - May 8, 2022

'In Pyaar With A Superstar!' at Museum Of Contemporary Arts, Toronto.

Dec 4, 2019 - Dec 20, 2019

'Fight, Beti, Fight!' at Phillips Auction House, Paris.

Nov 4, 2021 - Nov 7, 2021

'Saathi Arcade' at Saatchi/The Other Art Fair, NYC.

Offers & History

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$5,000 USD - Ask

@hatecopy on August 21 2024, 2:03am UTC
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$4,200 USD - Ask

@hatecopy on August 18 2024, 8:28pm UTC

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Jul 09, 2024