Theater & Cinema

Mixed Media
121.92 x 152.4 cm
About this artwork
Acrylic, Flashe, Gouache, Ink, Crystals, Charms and Glitter on Canvas 48”x60” Kaizo is a genre of highly difficult video game levels in the Super Mario series, originally created by T. Takemoto. If you try to get from one corner to the next you’ll be there for days! This painting is full of surprises and Easter eggs. You’ll be finding newness forever.
Artwork History

May 02, 2024
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Hi! I’m Nik, I am an artist, an enthusiast, a Leo, an Angeleno, a Turk, an American, a designer, a baby and a 5 foot tall giant. I have discovered that I am on this planet to be a conduit of optimism and joy. So I started with my own. Creation is the purest state of happiness for me and I believe that the experience of seeing my works in person reflects that joy directly back to the audience. Painting saved my life so maybe these paintings can save yours too. I use bright colors to activate the pleasure centers of your brain to soak you in dopamine. 💖
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1991 in Honolulu, HI, USA. Currently residing in Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Appears in Pegboards
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