


155.0 x 64.0 cm

Year Created



ESPLOSIONE VERTICALE Unveiling "ESPLOSIONE VERTICALE": A symphony of lines to kick off my experience with Peggy. Crafted with care using a Cobalt COPIC Multiliner 0.5mm, this piece is framed at 61×25" (155×64cm) Plotted on premium Strathmore pape...

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1982 in San Vito al Tagliamento, Province of Pordenone, Italy. Currently residing in Toronto, ON, Canada.

2006 · Università degli studi di Udine

Honours Bachelor of Architectural Studies

2009 · Università degli Studi di Udine

Master of Architecture

Solo Exhibitions
Apr 23, 2014 - May 10, 2014

CEK - Concrete Pieces

Group Exhibitions
Apr 23, 2014 - May 10, 2014

CEK - Concrete Pieces

Offers & History

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$1,200 USD - Ask

@IL_CEK on May 26, 12:10am UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Giorgio Cecatto
Giorgio Cecatto

May 23, 2024