L’artiste et le vivant : pour un art écologique, inclusif et engagé

Acrylic Paint
21.0 x 17.0 cm
About this artwork
Blue is the color of my dream
Artwork History

Oct 03, 2024
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Dear art lovers - follow me on this special journey - this serie of drawings on Peggy is about Love and poetry, an encounter between Orient and Occident, following traces of the past. All the paintings you see are made on original antique papers.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1973 in Avenue du Sénégal, Dakar, Sénégal. Currently residing in Montpellier, France.
Gallery Jean Louis Cleret
Pop-up Show, Paris Poesis: Immersive exhibition at Espace ST RAVY
Montpellier. Un coeur en Automne - Eglise St Roch, Galerie Cubik, Montpellier Fleurs et Felins - Galerie Cubik - Montpellier Gallery Jean Louis Cleret
Pop-up Show, Paris Poesis: Immersive exhibition at Espace ST RAVY
Montpellier. Un coeur en Automne - Eglise St Roch, Galerie Cubik, Montpellier Fleurs et Felins - Galerie Cubik - Montpellier Montpellier : Alice de Miramon, peintre
de la sensation à l’espace Saint-Ravy
https://www.herault-tribune.com/articles/montpellier-alice-de-miramon-peintre-de-la-sensation-a-lespace-saint-ravy/ Beaux arts - 5 artistes a collectionner -https://www.beauxarts.com/expos/5-jeunes-talents-a-collectionner/
Appears in Pegboards
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