Flute player with dog, 2004


Oil Paint


38.0 x 46.0 cm

Year Created



This oil painting reflects the intersection of street life and music, a moment captured where humanity and art come together. In it, a flute player shares his art with a four-legged viewer, both in harmony with their surroundings. The painting rad...

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Born in 1953 in Santander, Camargo, Spain. Currently residing in Santander, España.

Solo Exhibitions
Nov 4, 2023 - Dec 31, 2023

Retratos de la ciudad

May 5, 2023 - May 8, 2023

Art Revolution Taipei. Taiwán

Aug 2, 2024 - Aug 19, 2024

Paisajes con memoria

Group Exhibitions
Nov 4, 2023 - Dec 31, 2023

Retratos de la ciudad

May 5, 2023 - May 8, 2023

Art Revolution Taipei. Taiwán

Aug 2, 2024 - Aug 19, 2024

Paisajes con memoria

Offers & History

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$2,200 USD - Ask

@tomas_castano on September 27 2024, 9:38am UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Tomas Castano
Tomas Castano

Sep 27, 2024