Bachelor of Science

Oil Paint
50.8 x 40.64 cm
About this artwork
Part of a series studying van Gogh's early drawings. This painting interprets a series of drawings van Gogh made in Nuenen in 1884. The drawings painted here are: "Potato Harvest with Two Figures" van Gogh, drawing, 1884, Nuenen "The Sower" van Gogh (after Millet), drawing, 1884, Nuenen "Ploughman" van Gogh, drawing, 1884, Nuenen "Oxcart in the Snow" van Gogh, drawing, 1884, Nuenen
Artwork History

Sep 19, 2024
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Livestreaming artist sharing thoughts on painting and art through a near stream-of-consciousness resulting in flubs, interesting ideas, and more. Experience the art in multiple ways - multi-experiential. Essayist. Author. Chinese-born, American artist living in Los Angeles, CA.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1990 in Shanghai, China. Currently residing in Burbank, CA, USA.
Appears in Pegboards
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