Avatar for Johnny Garcia

Johnny Garcia


Abstract Artist





Artists Pegboarded

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Collector's Perspective

My first childhood memory of art is...

Seeing artwork my older brother would create with pencils and crayons. I was amazed at his ability to create and all I wanted to do was make art as good as him. I was obsessed early on and never stopped creating.

An art experience I loved...

Visiting Rothko Tower and Rothko Chapel in Houston when I was 12. It was the first time that I understood just how much that I didn't understand fine artworks and it made me want to dive deeper and learn as much as possible.

A world without art is...

Is the saddest thing that I can imagine. Art is humanity.

I am drawn to an artwork when...

It stops me in my tracks. I still don't have a favorite style or theme. I just take in as much art as possible and sometimes one of the pieces seems to reach out and grab me.

My favorite place to see art is...

Street art or fine art galleries. I also appreciate seeing the artwork people have in their homes as it is something that they choose to keep and have with them in their safest most sacred place.


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