
Acrylic Paint


152.0 x 102.0 cm

Year Created



Duality series: This collection, originating in my homeland of Haiti and further evolving during my residency in Mexico City is a vivid testament of my life’s tapestry. As a twin, my existence is inherently dual; as a Buddhist, I seek balance in e...


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Inspired Beginnings with Clifford Bertin

Clifford Bertin · 1 mins

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Image for Untitled 3 - Duality CollectionImage for Untitled 6 - DualityImage for Untitled 4 - DualityImage for Untitled 3 - The Rhythms of Invisble: Gede reverberationsImage for Untitled 2 - The Rhythms of Invisble: Gede reverberationsImage for Untitled 5 - The Rhythms of Invisble: Gede reverberationsImage for Untitled 4 - The Rhythms of Invisble: Gede reverberationsImage for Untitled 6 - The Rhythms of Invisble: Gede reverberationsImage for Untitled 7 - The Rhythms of Invisble: Gede reverberationsImage for Untitled 1 - The Rhythms of Invisble: Gede reverberationsImage for Untitled 8 - The Rhythms of Invisble: Gede reverberations

Appears in Pegboards

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1974 in 6th Avenue, New York, État de New York, États-Unis. Currently residing in Port-au-Prince, Haïti.

Selected Press
Jan 25, 2021

À la peinture, nous sommes tenus, à l’école des Frères de l’institution Christianne de Pétion-Ville

Teaching Experiences
Aug 20, 2022

Art Instructor - Createurs z program

Offers & History

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Avatar for Clifford Bertin

$6,000 USD - Ask

@clifford_bertin on March 26, 8:55pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Clifford Bertin
Clifford Bertin

Mar 25, 2024