Terra Cognita. Rupture, 2024




29.0 x 24.0 cm

Year Created



“Terra Cognita. Rupture" is made of dark Terracotta clay. Then several layers of pigments are pulverised at different angles, with the last layer being a glossy glaze. Underneath the piece, revealing the crevice in the stoneware is a layer of meta...


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Born in 1989 in Minsk Beltway, Minsk, Belarus. Currently residing in Barcelona, Spain.

2024 · Escola Massana

Permanent Ceramics and Glass

2012 · BNTU

Bachelor Architecture

2024 · BAU Design College of Barcelona

Master in Design Research and Experimantation

Offers & History

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$1,100 USD - Ask

@maryia_virshych on April 26, 11:14am UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Maryia Virshych
Maryia Virshych

Apr 26, 2024