
Acrylic Paint


25.4 x 20.32 cm

Year Created



acrylic on piña silk


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Curriculum Vitae

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2016 · Western University

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Honours Specialization in Studio Art

2021 · University of Guelph

Master of Fine Arts in Studio Arts

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Avatar for Ella Gonzales

$912 USD - Ask

@ella_gonzales on August 02, 7:38pm UTC
Avatar for Danah Makow

$912 USD - Offer

@danah on August 02, 9:07pm UTC
Avatar for Danah Makow

$912 USD - Sale

@danah on August 03, 9:08pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Danah Makow
Danah Makow

Aug 16, 2023

Avatar for Ella Gonzales
Ella Gonzales

Jul 12, 2023

Gallery Representation