WONDER WORLD | Yaw Tony’s whimsical pieces illustrate an optimistic moment in design

“I break the rules of colour, to deconstruct colour and redefine the rules of colour. I see colour structures and patterns in my head that do not follow the colour theory system - take a look at nature, all the colours exist at a given time and th...
“I break the rules of colour, to deconstruct colour and redefine the rules of colour. I see colour structures and patterns in my head that do not follow the colour theory system - take a look at nature, all the colours exist at a given time and they all complement each other beautifully. “ In the vibrant tapestry of the world's creative realm, Yaw Tony emerges as a polymathic artist, designer and a curator. At the core of Tony's artistic philosophy is a profound exploration of value and the emotive power of colours. Intertwined with humanity, these hues become conduits shaping behaviour and influencing the emotional resonance of spaces. Yet, Tony's artistic odyssey transcends the visual realm, delving into the existential. His work grapples with fundamental questions that echo in the corridors of human consciousness: Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? What can I do? Where am I going? These inquiries form the crucible of human motivation, propelling actions and shaping destinies.
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The Colour Gallery
Black Palette
The Colour Gallery