Avatar for Preetika Rajgariah

Preetika Rajgariah








Curriculum Vitae

Born in 1985 in New Delhi, India. Currently residing in Houston, TX, USA.

2018 · University of Illinois


Solo Exhibitions
May 20, 2022 - Jun 23, 2022

Pleasure Tense, Bill Arning Exhibitions, Houston, TX

Apr 11, 2024 - Apr 14, 2024

Significant & Tiny, solo at EXPO Chicago with Bill Arning Exhibitions

Sep 10, 2022 - Sep 30, 2022

Servicing Self, Bill Arning Exhibitions, Hudson Valley, NY

Feb 1, 2023 - Feb 14, 2023

Flame & Fortune, solo booth at Material Fair, Mexico City, Bill Arning Exhibitions

Sep 10, 2023 - Oct 31, 2023

Between Frustration and Fulfillment, Unit London Gallery

Group Exhibitions
May 20, 2022 - Jun 23, 2022

Pleasure Tense, Bill Arning Exhibitions, Houston, TX

Apr 11, 2024 - Apr 14, 2024

Significant & Tiny, solo at EXPO Chicago with Bill Arning Exhibitions

Sep 10, 2022 - Sep 30, 2022

Servicing Self, Bill Arning Exhibitions, Hudson Valley, NY

Feb 1, 2023 - Feb 14, 2023

Flame & Fortune, solo booth at Material Fair, Mexico City, Bill Arning Exhibitions

Sep 10, 2023 - Oct 31, 2023

Between Frustration and Fulfillment, Unit London Gallery

Honors and Awards
Sep 10, 2021

Artadia Houston Awardee