Avatar for Humberto Barajas Bustamante

Humberto Barajas Bustamante


Professional Painter - Guanajuato 1994







Curriculum Vitae

Honors and Awards
Oct 4, 2020

“Contemporary Artist 2020”, 6th edition Salón Guanajuato de Arte Contemporáneo, Gto, México.

Oct 23, 2021

Second Place – XXV National Contest of Visual Arts in the painting modality, Gto, México.

Apr 30, 2021

First Place – XLI National Meeting of Young Art, Ags, México.

Jun 15, 2016

First Place 3rd National Art Meeting La Fosa, Ags, México.

Nov 20, 2023

Fist Place National Biennal of plastic arts Dr. Alfonso Pérez Romo, Ags, México.

Nov 11, 2022

First Place, 8th National Drawing and Illustration Contest – Rodin, México

Oct 25, 2020

First Place – State painting contest - Premio Federico Ramos Sánchez. Gto, México.

Oct 23, 2019

FONCA Young Creators Grant, National Fund for Culture and the Arts, México.

Jun 30, 2022

PECDA Young Creators Grant, Artistic Creation and Development Stimulus Program, Gto, México.