Diploma in Elfs and Hidden People

Gallery Representation
Born in 1978 in Michigan . Currently residing in Nelson, BC.
Apprentice of master ink painter Shen Ling Xiang MFA in Drawing and Painting Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours Moth House Gargantuans Arborescence Vestigial Trail Mutant Mountain / Quantum Ocean Moth House Gargantuans Arborescence Vestigial Trail Mutant Mountain / Quantum Ocean Canada Council for the Arts, Research and Creation grant BC Arts Council, Project Assistance for Visual Artists grant Canada Council for the Arts, Concept to Realization grant The Best Museum and Gallery Award, for The Big Draw event at the Midlands Arts Centre,
Birmingham, UK BC Arts Council, Project Assistance for Visual Artists grant Canada Council for the Arts, Digital Originals grant SSNAP (Salt Spring National Art Prize) Parallel Art Show, First Prize Viewer’s Choice award BC Arts Council, Pivot grant