MAA Painting

Born in 1972 in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. Currently residing in Victoria British Columbia, Canada.
BFA Exchange You Are Here 0 In the Trees Human Nature You Are Here 0 In the Trees Human Nature BC Arts Council Research and Development Grant Hellen Frankenthaler Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center Painting and Drawing Instructor. Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Painting Instructor. Vancouver Island School of Art. Teaching all levels of painting including introductory, studio and plein air painting. I worked with VISA for ten years and still keep in touch. Painting Instructor. Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Introductory painting, sessional appointment. 2D/3D Studio Instructor. Yukon School of Visual Art (SOVA). I taught 2D and 3D Studios including, drawing, collage, printmaking, painting, carving, mould making and casting and assemblage. Two years. Instructor, Painting for the Theatre. University of Victoria. Sessional appointment. Introductory Painting Instructor. Online, Kwantlen Polytechnic University