Avatar for Felicia Cirstea

Felicia Cirstea


Transform by making | www.feliciaart.com | IG @feliciacirstea







Curriculum Vitae

Born in 2024 in Bucharest, Romania. Currently residing in Toronto, Canada.

2003 · TSA, Toronto School of Arts

Fine Arts

2007 · OCAD Univeristy


Solo Exhibitions
Feb 23, 2019 - Feb 25, 2019

“When We Crossed the River and Walked Within”, Contemporary Art Fair, Toronto

Sep 7, 2023 - Sep 17, 2023

“Alterations/ Crowns of Glory”, Remote Gallery, Toronto

Feb 22, 2020 - Feb 23, 2020

“Solo Presentation”, Contemporary Art Fair, Toronto

Group Exhibitions
Feb 23, 2019 - Feb 25, 2019

“When We Crossed the River and Walked Within”, Contemporary Art Fair, Toronto

Sep 7, 2023 - Sep 17, 2023

“Alterations/ Crowns of Glory”, Remote Gallery, Toronto

Feb 22, 2020 - Feb 23, 2020

“Solo Presentation”, Contemporary Art Fair, Toronto

Selected Press
Jul 26, 2009

Juxtapoz Magazine

Jul 26, 2008

IdN Magazine

Jan 28, 2020

The Artist Project Contemporary Art Fair, Studio Visit: The Akin Studio Program at MOCA, 2020

Honors and Awards
Sep 27, 2019

Akin Studio Program at Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto, Year 2

Teaching Experiences
Jan 27, 2019

Art Instructor Studio Practice, Akin Collective, Toronto