Avatar for Benedicte Gele

Benedicte Gele








Curriculum Vitae

Born in 1975 in Boulevard de Clichy, Paris, France. Currently residing in Le Château-d'Oléron, France.

1997 · Lycée Jean-pierre Vernant

Certificate in Visual Communication

1995 · Lycée Jean-pierre Vernant

Baccalauréat Applied Arts

Solo Exhibitions
Dec 15, 2023 - Jan 14, 2024

Solo show at the Atelier du Vivier Gallery in Moret (77, France)

Group Exhibitions
Dec 15, 2023 - Jan 14, 2024

Solo show at the Atelier du Vivier Gallery in Moret (77, France)

Selected Press
May 1, 2020

Cavalli & Cavalieri

Jun 1, 2020

Grand Prix Magazine

Sep 1, 2019

Bit Magazine

Honors and Awards
Nov 5, 2020

First Kep Prize at the Art & Cavallo Exhibition (Fieracavalli, Verona, Italy)

Jun 5, 2011

3 Prizes at the International Equine Art Competition (US)

Oct 1, 2007

First Prize Painting at the 15e International Fair of Saumur (France)

Oct 1, 2014

Bouvet Ladubay Prize at the 22e International Fair of Saumur (France)