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adhesivo contemporary


Adhesivo Contemporary is a curatorial exhibition project that seeks to bridge cultures and continents through contemporary art.







Artists Represented

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Exhibited Artworks

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Image for Devin AxolotiaoImage for Solucionando El CaosImage for Besos de Humo Con Mi SantaImage for Un Corito SagradoImage for Soy Parte De Sus PartesImage for A Veces Hasta las Sombras HablanImage for Entre Dos Islas Y Muchas AguasImage for Raíces ArquitectónicasImage for Miss Candy Shareef’s Nicki Minaj LipsyncImage for La MilpaImage for Bajo la luz del TianguisImage for Aquí vive genteImage for Sin TítuloImage for A los buitres los sacamos


Based between Mexico and the USA, Adhesivo promotes the work of young artists. The project, founded by Edith Vaisberg H, also has an annual print publication and an artist residency in Mexico City.


Jul 22, 2023 - Aug 16, 2023

Zeitgeist vol.II, Adhesivo Contemporary, Mexico City