Avatar for Abi Shyngle

Abi Shyngle


The task of the artist is to make the human being uncomfortable





Artists Pegboarded

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Collector's Perspective

An art experience I loved...

I felt like a kid in a candy store visiting the Louvre. Endless art. I wonder if anyone has seen all the pieces in there.

I’m interested in art because...

It’s an expression of life in different forms, from different lenses

A world without art is...

Void of expression and creativity. Bleh

My first childhood memory of art is...

Seeing the “Eyo Masquerade”. I was completely blown away. Still blown away. Will always be.

My favorite place to see art is...

Nigeria. The brilliance and creativity of Nigerian artists….unmatched. I promise

Art is important to me because...

It changes the energy in the room.

A theme in art that I gravitate towards is...

Obsessions. Sociopolitical institutions. Identity. Migration and Immigration

Art is powerful because...

It speaks louder than words

The last art fair I visited was...

The Other Art Fair. London

To me, art is...

Art and love are the same thing


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