Embrace in the Abyss, 2024


Acrylic Paint


60.96 x 50.8 cm

Year Created



A gritty and evocative scene with a distinct color palette. The dominant colors are dirty yellow and black, creating a sense of rawness and intensity. Against this backdrop, a chrome-outlined figure takes center stage, depicted as a person holding...

Sean Prewitt's Perspective

Artist's commentary

This painting strikes me with its raw intensity, using dirty yellow and black to evoke a somber, gritty atmosphere. The chrome outline of the central figure adds a surreal touch, emphasizing their significance amidst the decay. The act of holding another person beautifully captures themes of connection and vulnerability, inviting reflection on the complexities of human relationships in a harsh world. It’s a powerful reminder of empathy and support in our struggles.

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Born in 1983 in NY-33, Buffalo, NY, USA. Currently residing in Kannapolis, NC, USA.

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$18,500 USD - Ask

@sean_prewitt on September 14 2024, 1:15am UTC

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Sean Prewitt

Sep 14, 2024