Avatar for Jeffrey Beck

Jeffrey Beck






Artists Pegboarded

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Collector's Perspective

A world without art is...

. . . a world without a soul. The capability to transmit thought and feeling across time through the pen, brush, and chisel is unique to humans. The artist, often an observer on the periphery, provides a profound look into this experience called life, allowing the consumer of each work to unpack their own personal experiences and synthesize something new from this secret, internal collaboration amongst the artist, their art, and the consumer.

My first childhood memory of art is...

Watching my grandmother paint.

My favorite place to see art is...

Everywhere it’s welcome or making a statement.

Art is important to me because...

It often serves as a prompt for my own expression through the written word (I enjoy writing poetry - really awful poetry, mind you). It also serves as a window into myself by providing a glimpse of another soul’s view of the world or thorough their grand creativity.


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