Avatar for Noemi Montserrat González López

Noemi Montserrat González López


- Architect, 2009, UPC Barcelona. - Master on Teaching secondary education, 2012, UJaen.





Artists Pegboarded

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Collector's Perspective

My first childhood memory of art is...

I am representing some stills, flowers or contry and sea side... fountains... All of them obbey to childhood images that come to me mind so I haven't used any model. The stills needed a model or even take picture to compose afterwards. The fountain, finally, I went to the garden and took the pen sketch to finish witn charcoal at home. So thats to say is important because reflecta how I did the day I draw or painted.

To me, art is...

The art I am showing here, is totally an act of open myself as if I turn naked. Is the essense of each day, a day won or even a day lost. The experience turns into lines, stains, colour...wisely placed with diffetent techniques.

Art is important to me because...

Thanks to my studies of Architecture I was shown a huge world to complement what is constructed with paintings or sculptures. The fact is that Art complements Architecture in all its ways.

A world without art is...

I try to imagin a world without sense, without messages and who is trying to express and reach an answer... But I think it could not be.

I’m interested in art because...

I studied a little and made a lot of. The studies of architecture I reached made me think that art, in all the ways, not only complete constructions but also gives the human touch to the them.


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