Avatar for Shashu Tanis

Shashu Tanis


Art is the soul, showing the world, shaped to match our desires. Music, nature, the body to the mind–we are one with art, for we are art itself.





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Collector's Perspective

To me, art is...

the different windows to the world

My first childhood memory of art is...

drawing with crayons on the walls of my room, where I felt free to express whatever came to mind.

I’m interested in art because...

it allows me to explore different perspectives, emotions, and cultures in ways that words alone cannot.

My first childhood memory of art is...

drawing with crayons on the walls of my room, where I felt free to express whatever came to mind.

I’m interested in art because...

it allows me to explore different perspectives, emotions, and cultures in ways that words alone cannot.

Art is important to me because...

it allows me to explore different perspectives, emotions, and cultures in ways that words alone cannot.


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