
Mixed Media


15.0 x 10.7 cm

Year Created


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Image for A Lotus Is A Lotus nr 10 2/3

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Curriculum Vitae

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2018 · Academy of Media Arts

Postgraduate Studies in Media Arts

Solo Exhibitions

The Balkanization of the Cloud


Fakes, Fictions, and Forensics

Group Exhibitions

The Balkanization of the Cloud


Fakes, Fictions, and Forensics

Offers & History

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Avatar for Adam Meghji

$100 USD - Ask

@adam on June 12 2024, 4:39pm UTC
Avatar for Adam Meghji

$55 USD - Sale

@adam on October 25 2023, 9:59pm UTC
Avatar for Adam Meghji

$55 USD - Offer

@adam on October 25 2023, 2:56pm UTC
Avatar for Justin Webb

$50 USD - Offer

@s2jwwebb on October 24 2023, 2:51pm UTC
Avatar for Anna Ehrenstein

$50 USD - Ask

@anna_ehrenstein on October 19 2023, 2:54pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Adam Meghji
Adam Meghji

Dec 15, 2023

Avatar for Anna Ehrenstein
Anna Ehrenstein

Oct 17, 2023

Gallery Representation