Since 2010, June's artistic journey has unfolded on a global stage, showcasing her works in esteemed galleries, events, and street art festivals. Her creative exploration revolves around the theme of "home" as perceived through the lens of an imm...
Since 2010, June's artistic journey has unfolded on a global stage, showcasing her works in esteemed galleries, events, and street art festivals. Her creative exploration revolves around the theme of "home" as perceived through the lens of an immigrant, drawing inspiration from her cultural roots and the rich landscapes of Korea, her homeland. Embracing spray paint as her preferred medium for street art, June values its immediacy and flexibility. This choice imparts a street-smart vibe to her murals, serving as an extension of the raw energy she passionately shares with the world. Each stroke tells a story, a vibrant expression of emotions and experiences woven into the layers of her identity. Through her art, June transcends visual aesthetics, inviting viewers into a dialogue about the meaning of "home," the convergence of cultures, and the transformative power of collective expression. Her murals are not merely static images but dynamic spaces that encourage contemplation, connection, and a shared sense of belonging. As June navigates the evolving canvas of her artistic journey, she extends an invitation to others to join her in exploring the realms of identity, activism, and the limitless potential that arises when art becomes a conduit for understanding and unity.