Bachelor of Arts

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The story for all 76 pieces to be gradually uploaded is the same for all works…..Joelle Anderson currently 85 years old long ago took a charcoal sketch/drawing class at the Lyme Academy of Fine Art in Lyme, CT. Thirty-Forty years later I saw two s...
The story for all 76 pieces to be gradually uploaded is the same for all works…..Joelle Anderson currently 85 years old long ago took a charcoal sketch/drawing class at the Lyme Academy of Fine Art in Lyme, CT. Thirty-Forty years later I saw two sketch pads 24”x18” and 12”x18” being thrown out at the town dump and snagged them out of the trash. Some pages were nearly completed people or pictures while others were some failed attempts half done or early abandoned with only a few strokes of shapes. Having no insight into what these images were, I began to paint bound by what I saw in his sketches and adding my own style and influence into the work. There is a 50 year age gap between us two. Currently he thinks his drawing pads are forever gone as they were thrown into the trash back in 2021….he just doesn’t know they were only there for a couple minutes. I’m unsure how, but Part 1 of the collection is 27 pieces and I will present the 27 pieces to him and alert him of the others at an undecided time in the future. The last Part (Part 3) is planning on only being released via random purchase of a hard cider company that will be revealed at the time of Part 3 release.
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View AllBorn in 1988 in Old Saybrook, CT, USA. Currently residing in Westbrook, CT, USA.